Nottingham CityCare’s Annual Quality Account for 2023-24 has now been published, demonstrating and celebrating the work of all our teams.

A Quality Account is a report about the quality of services offered by a NHS healthcare provider. The Account acknowledges how many of our services are delivered in partnership with other members of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System because, in local health and care, no single organisation works in isolation.

Our review covers the priorities for 2023-24 in relation to patient engagement – diversity and health inequalities, patient safety – a Just culture and learning, and stop the pressure – skin tone, as well as a new priority for 2024-25 related to falls.

Judith Douglas, Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professionals and Quality said:

“Our vision is to deliver ‘high quality, locally-led care’ keeping our patients safe and continuously improving the services we offer whilst using resources effectively.

“I am extremely proud of the work that has been undertaken and the progress made on last year’s quality priorities and look forward to seeing the impact on patients.

“I am also proud we are showcasing the work of the Small Steps, Big Changes (SBBC) team who have provided invaluable services to parents and young children in Nottingham. The report also shares the experience of the Luther College students, from the USA, who shadowed our staff and learnt so much they are planning a return visit next July. Plans are in place to ensure next year we provide a programme to reflect the work that our staff deliver across a wider range of services.

“It is timely that we have the focus on falls and falls prevention. Our aim is to keep patients safe and reduce the prevalence and impact of falls that cause distress and injuries that impact on the quality of life”.

Read our Annual Quality Account 2023-24 here.

Date published: 28 June 2024