Nottingham CityCare, the city’s largest provider of NHS community health services, has appointed Dr Nicole Atkinson as its new Chief Executive.

She will join CityCare later this year from her role as Medical Director at East Midlands Ambulance Service.

Dr Atkinson, who also worked as a GP partner in Nottinghamshire for 20 years,  has extensive clinical leadership experience having worked at all levels of an Integrated Care System (ICS), including leading the development of Nottinghamshire’s ICS clinical and community strategy. 

She has worked for the NHS Confederation as Primary Care Medical Adviser to influence policy at a national level.

Welcoming Dr Atkinson to CityCare, Chair Sherry Malik said: “I’m delighted to welcome Nicole to CityCare and look forward to working with her to further develop our organisation into an effective and efficient care provider making a real difference to the diverse and vibrant communities we serve.

“Her knowledge as a senior leader with experience in NHS primary care and integrated care systems will be vital as CityCare develops to meet the expected shift away from hospital care to community-based health services as part of the Government’s 10-year plan for the NHS.”

She also paid tribute to former Chief Executive Lou Bainbridge for her leadership and support and Paul Wood, who has served as interim Chief Executive since late last year, saying Dr Atkinson would be building on their legacy that CityCare is a valued member of the NHS and social care sector in Nottingham.

Supporting colleagues within CityCare and collaboration with system partners based on a clear strategic vision are the keys to success, said Dr Atkinson.

“I’m proud to be joining Nottingham CityCare and am looking forward to meeting as many colleagues as possible in the early days to find out about the opportunities and challenges they face in their daily working lives.

“I am also looking forward to continuing my work with partners and stakeholders in the wider NHS and care system as we develop new relationships and new working arrangements that will ensure we continue to deliver high-quality compassionate community-based care.

“It’s an exciting and fascinating time to be joining so many talented and dedicated colleagues. Over the coming months we will finalise our new five-year strategy which will take CityCare from April 2025 through to the end of the decade as a leading provider of community health care and children’s services in Nottingham.”

As Managing Partner of her GP practice, Dr Atkinson led the redesign of clinical and non-clinical governance processes leading to an overall “outstanding” Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating. The CQC reflected that the leadership “drove continuous improvement, staff were accountable for delivering change and there was a clear, proactive approach to seeking out and embedding new ways of providing patient care”.

She studied medicine at the University of Nottingham and has lived in Nottinghamshire since graduating in 1999.

Much of her spare time is spent with her family – husband, four teenage boys  and Tommy the black labrador.

She is a keen ultra-runner – anything beyond marathon distance (26.2 miles).

“As a family, we have just completed Run Every Day in January for the fourth year running, which raises money for charity,” she said.

“I’ve been into long-distance running since my youngest was about two. After completing the London Marathon I moved into ultra-running and have completed  100-mile and 145-mile runs as well as three Thames Ring 250-mile runs.

“I’ll be 50 this year so I’ve challenged myself to complete the Thames Ring 250 for the fourth time – which would make me the only woman to achieve this for the fourth time.

“Running is about more than exercise for me. It’s about taking time out to appreciate the world we live in, to share this with family and friends (many who run) and to explore new places as well as the untapped potential that sometimes sits within us – even though at times I generally feel like a middle-aged mum-of-four.”

Date published: 25 February 2025