A summary of CityCare’s Annual Quality Account is now available.

“We are proud to present our Annual Quality Account for 2023-24, which gives us all an opportunity to reflect on our progress and where there is more work to do. It describes our patients’ experiences of our services and how we have progressed against our quality priorities.”

The Quality Accounts, which are produced by providers of NHS funded healthcare, focus on the quality of the services they provide. They look at:

• Where an organisation is performing well and where they need to make improvements.

• Progress against quality priorities set previously and new priorities for the following year.

• How the public, patients, carers and staff were involved in decisions on these priorities

We continue to work on our three current priorities, which are:

• Patient engagement – diversity and health inequalities

• Patient safety – a just culture and learning

• Stop the pressure – skin tone

The report summary includes Patient and service user satisfaction rate, a review of our quality priorities and what we achieved in 2023-24 and what we are looking forward to in 2024-25.

Read the Annual Quality Account 2023/24 summary here.

You can also find the full Annual Qulaity Account 2023/24 report here

Date published: 10 September 2024