The role of the dietitian includes diagnosis and assessment of individual nutritional needs, promotion of healthy lifestyle changes and a source of unbiased, up-to-date information on nutrition for health professionals, the public and the media 

What do we provide? 

  • Clinical dietetic support to families of children aged 0-19 years suffering from: 

  1. Possible food allergies and gastro-oesophageal reflux 

  2. Feeding difficulties 

  3. Poor weight gain and growth 

  4. Concerns over restricted diets and nutritional adequacy 

  5. Co-morbid obesity 

  • Training for health care professionals to support provision of first line management and advice by community and primary care staff.  Current available training: 

  1. Nutritional problems in infants (2 x ½ day online training plus pre-course work) Course covers recognition and management of colic, reflux, constipation and cow’s milk allergy 

  2. Future courses planned to support management of feeding difficulties and obesity 

  • Telephone clinical support service for health care professionals including 0-19 public health team, GP’s, practice nurses and community paediatricians  

  • Patient group education sessions 

  • Development of nutrition resources – produce dietary information in the absence of available national resources and work in collaboration with other services to provide accurate nutrition related materials e.g 0-19 nutrition newsletter 

  • Development of nutrition related guidelines and care pathways e.g. Nottingham Area prescribing Committee guidelines on cow’s milk allergy and lactose intolerance and development of the Nottingham food allergy care pathway  

  • Clinical audit and service evaluation e.g. recent BDA service evaluation of our food allergy care pathway  

  • Presentations – we present at national/ international conferences as opportunities arise and contribute to national working groups as requested  

Clinical Team

Kerry Guy – Community Lead Dietitian

Shannon Quigley – Community Paediatric Lead Dietitian

Sarah Baker – Community Paediatric Dietitian

Bethany Rook – Community Paediatric Dietitian

Robyn Huggins - Community Paediatric Dietitian

Admin Team

Linda Tullett - Administrator

Jagdeep Lall – Administrator


For Health Care Professionals with access to systmone

F12  then, complete the Paediatric nutrition and dietetic service template

The F12 form provides all the detail required to guide on appropriateness of referral, expected first line input prior to referral and resources available to support this, including a food diary and APC cow’s milk allergy guidelines.

Please contact us on the number below if you need guidance on how to use F12 

For those unable to access systmone:  

Please click HERE and email the form to  

Our Paediatric FOOD DIARY is available to download HERE – This will need to be filled out by the family for referrals relating to feeding difficulties and poor dietary intake.  

Clinics are undertaken in various health centres across Nottingham. Families are offered the option of attending in person or having a video conference for their initial contacts.  Children over 5 years of age are encouraged to attend in person.  Follow up work is also undertaken by telephone and email. 

Home visits are only undertaken by dietitians looking after children with special needs as part of the children's development centre multidisciplinary team role. 

Once initially seen, patients are asked to contact the dietetic team by email or telephone to raise any concerns or to initiate a dietetic review.  We do not operate as an emergency service and are often unable to respond within 48 hours.  An appointment is generally made for the family to discuss their concerns, if a short response by email is not possible. 

The team can be contacted via the admin officers:

Tel: 0115 883 4327 Option 1 (main office)


Address: Sherwood Rise Health Centre, 29 Nottingham Road, Nottingham, NG7 7AD

Working Hours: The service operates 09:00 - 4:00pm, although flexible working is undertaken.